Worker’s Compensation – Do you know what it is?

Worker's Compensation, If a person or entity other than the company is liable for an employee's injuries, the injured worker can file a personal injury lawsuit against them. Additional damages, including pain and suffering and loss of consortium, are possible in these cases. What should I do if I get injured at work? If you are injured at work, it is recommended that you immediately report your work injury to your supervisor or authorized personnel. The Supervisor or authorized personnel must give notice to the company within 120 days after the injury, or no claim for compensation will be allowed under the Florida Worker's Compensation Act. It is imperative to give notice of any accident at work, no matter how insignificant. The notice must be detailed and include a description of the injury suffered at work along with the time and place of the injury. What damages are covered in Worker’s compensation for an accident suffered at work? Employees are entitled to receive benefits in case of suffering an injury resulting from and in the course of their employment relationship with the company. The injury must occur while the employee is performing their work or performing their normal functions assigned…

How to Identify a Good Chiropractor

Top 5 Signs to Identify a Good Chiropractor Honesty and Trust The first thing you should look for in a chiropractor is honesty. If a chiropractor is not the right treatment for your pain, a good chiropractor will refer you to the next health professional that will be able to properly treat your case. Techniques There are a variety of techniques and methods of treatments in the chiropractic work field, so there are no two techniques that are exactly the same. Each technique works differently with any given patient, so you’ll want to have a chiropractor that caters specifically to your needs. Avoid chiropractors who claim their techniques are superior to others. There is absolutely no way to guarantee that a technique will work on every single patient. Word of Mouth This is always a great place to start. The positive word of mouth, in all professions, is a great sign. Adequate Examination, Diagnosis and Treatment This is extremely important. Chiropractors have gone through extensive training and education to become health care providers. This training includes proper examination, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment protocols. If a doctor lacks any of these three essential trainings, he should not be your chiropractor. The…

Chiropractor Miami – PROS Miami can help you with fibromyalgia

Have you ever thought chiropractic can help you with fibromyalgia? - Chiropractor Miami Chiropractor Miami - By definition, fibromyalgia is a “... disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.” You should feel confident in knowing that your chiropractor Miami can help with fibromyalgia. Accompanied by the supervision of your doctor, PROS Miami can help reduce the pain caused by this disorder. Chiropractic care carefully helps reduce pain and chronic fatigue. Believe it or not, visiting your chiropractor can help you sleep better at night. Rest allows the body to regenerate, and in most cases this improvement is fairly quick. By reducing pain in your body, this will help with how much medication you’ll have to take. Taking too much medication can cause harm to your organs in the long run, so by reducing the pain it’ll minimize your medication intake. In it’s essence, fibromyalgia is a disorder that is somehow fighting against it’s own body. There are three things that are experienced clinically during your chiropractor visit. The reduction of pain and painful points that are characteristics of fibromyalgia. And that the person begins to sleep better. By being able to rest, the…

Top 5 Chiropractors Myths

Top 5 Myths about Chiropractors Chiropractic is a medical subject with a lot of myths behind it. Here, you will find the most known of them with the real truth about the chiropractic field so you may be better informed. Read about the top 5 chiropractors myths 1.  There is no proof that it actually works. In the U.S. 95% of chiropractic users say it’s effective, while 89% recommend it to family and friends. 2.  Chiropractors are not real doctors. Chiropractors must complete four years of undergraduate studies, followed by four to five years in a chiropractic college. To practice in the field they must pass four sets of national board exams together with the exam in the state where they wish to work. 3.  Going to the chiropractors hurts. Proper adjustment won’t hurt, but it will result in giving you drastic amounts of relief and much less stress. 4.  Once you go the first time, you’ll have to keep going. Just like a visit to the dentist, visiting your chiropractor will have your body and spirit feeling relaxed and healthy but that doesn’t mean you have to keep going. The amount of times you visit your chiropractor is completely…

Did you know that stress can cause back pain?

Did you know that stress can cause back pain? The pathologies related to a human’s back can not only be generated by physical problems such as injuries, it is possible that they appear due to prolonged stress. Today, thanks to the existing studies on this matter, it is possible to conclude that stress is a factor that increases the risk of suffering back pain. This tends to alter the state of the nerves that facilitate the functioning of the muscles, causing the formation of contractures. The back suffers a constant stress that, although in the short term does not generate any type of pain, can lead to numerous muscular contractures induced by the nervous tension. The stress causes the nerves to become rigid, causing the muscles to contract and the vertebrae to compress. In this way, the intervertebral discs are crowded into a smaller amount of space and end up pressing the nerve root coming out of the spine. This again causes the nerves to become inflamed and generate new contractures. In the relationship of back pain and stress there are other factors that may be involved. When we are stressed for long periods of time, the nerve structures become…

Struggle with headache after using your smartphone?

Let’s face it, we all do it. It has become one of our time biggest additions and it’s affecting our welfare. Spending hours hunched over with our phones or tablets has caused major increase in numbers of tension headaches and neck pain. Are you one of them as well? No worries, PROS Miami is giving you 5 small tips to ease tension headache and forget about your neck pain! 1. Use Night Shift Activating your phone's Night Shift or other blue light filters make the screen easier for your eyes not causing you to unconsciously squeeze and contract the area behind your forehead. Relaxing the area is important to not push tension into headache. 2. Wear your glasses Again, like in the 1st. tip for avoiding headache while using your smartphone, many underestimate their time using their smart phone. Maybe you know it from yourself, you will just be with the phone 1 minute so why bador getting your glasses? But often 1 minute turn into 5-10 mins and add that up with all the times pr. Day you are more prone to eyestrain, difficulty focusing and again increase tension headache. 3. Stay calm and cut down on caffeine Caffeine…

Injury Treatment: RICE

RICE Treatment for Small Injuries Injured with a muscle pull? A tear? Knee or ankle sprain?  Immediately first aid RICE treatment can prevent further complications, relieve your pain and decrease swelling. RICE is a simple first aid method that can be used when smaller injuries occurs by everyone, everywhere and every time. R: Rest Whatever is causing your pain or soreness do not continue. It’s important to give the injured area time to heal and rest as it’s vital to project yourself for further damage. Avoid putting weight on the injured part, get help moving or support yourself to something. I: Ice Applying ice or an other cold thing will reduce both your pain and swelling. Anything can be used, we’ve seen the use of all kinds; ice, icecreams, frozen peas or normal cold packs - no matter what they all help reduce pain for the injured. Apply for 10-20 minutes and repeat up to 3-5 times pr. Day, until the swelling is minimized.  Remember not to apply it directly on the skin, so use a towel or a piece of clothes to protect your skin from frostbites. C: Compression Wrapping the injured or sore area with an elastic bandage…

Build up Strength After Car Accident

Over 4000 Car Accidents Take Place in Miami per Month! Yes, you got it right: over 4000 car accidents per month. Are you one of them? and still struggling after your car accident? You are not alone! We at PROS Miami are here to help you and we want to, together with you, make you fit for fight again, so you can enjoy your everyday: strong and happy! Here’s 4 simple ways to increase your inner body strength, improve your posture and every day make your body easily recover if you suffered from a car accident in Miami. Sit properly Relax your shoulders and keep your elbows close to your body. Let the chair support you around lower-middle back and always have your feet flat on the floor. Especially women tend to cross legs unconsciously, so see if you can make this simple sitting a habit. Lift correct Squat down and let your legs do the lifting. Bending hip and knees only, remaining your back straight secures you a correct lift and decreased risk for pains. Strengthen your back every day 5 mins. Pr. day can really make a difference for your inner strength. Even small exercise that doesn't require…

Neck Pain – Too Commom Problem

Have you ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed, literally? That moment when you quickly get up and twist your neck the wrong way, too fast. That neck strain, the kind that hurts to pick up the phone or even check the blind spot in the car, can cripple you for days. Although the latter is a lot harsher, this sharp pain in the neck can cause other, more serious, injuries. Pros Miami knows that your time is valuable, so there are a couple steps you can follow to relieve that neck pain in half the time. Of course, we recommend that you visit one of our doctors when you initially feel the pain, that way they can decide if it is a minor injury, or if it needs further assistance. Neck muscle strains tend to heal themselves in one to two days, but these steps will help soothe the pain. Applying heat to the affected area is a great way to relieve some of the pain associated with neck muscle strains. Some people prefer to use over-the-counter heat wraps over a hot bath towel. Although the latter is conveniently more cost effective, the results will usually…

Injury Clinic Miami – Some exercises to avoid back pain

Are you in Miami and you have tendency to have back pain due to bad postures while sleeping or at work, taking a lot of weight or practicing some sports? Pros Miami is #1 car accident & injury clinic Miami. From Pros Miami we want to help you avoid those pains. With these exercises recommended, you stretch and strengthen the muscles of your back. Begin by repeating them a couple of times and then increasing the repetitions. And remember to talk first with our doctors at injury clinic Miami. 1. ROTATIONAL LUMBAR STRETCH: Start leaning on your back, with feet on the floor and knees bent, keep your knees together and your back flat against the floor. Slowly drop your knees to one side and leave them there for 5 or 10 seconds. 2.  KNEES TO THE CHEST: Lie on your back, with feet on the floor and knees bent, grasp one knee with both hands and approach it to the chest then do the same with the other knee and finally repeat the movement with both at the same time. 3. LUMBAR FLEXIBILITY EXERCISE: Beginning from the same starting position, arch your back making your waist rise from the floor. Hold…
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