Struggle with headache after using your smartphone?

Let’s face it, we all do it. It has become one of our time biggest additions and it’s affecting our welfare. Spending hours hunched over with our phones or tablets has caused major increase in numbers of tension headaches and neck pain. Are you one of them as well? No worries, PROS Miami is giving you 5 small tips to ease tension headache and forget about your neck pain! 1. Use Night Shift Activating your phone's Night Shift or other blue light filters make the screen easier for your eyes not causing you to unconsciously squeeze and contract the area behind your forehead. Relaxing the area is important to not push tension into headache. 2. Wear your glasses Again, like in the 1st. tip for avoiding headache while using your smartphone, many underestimate their time using their smart phone. Maybe you know it from yourself, you will just be with the phone 1 minute so why bador getting your glasses? But often 1 minute turn into 5-10 mins and add that up with all the times pr. Day you are more prone to eyestrain, difficulty focusing and again increase tension headache. 3. Stay calm and cut down on caffeine Caffeine…

Injury Treatment: RICE

RICE Treatment for Small Injuries Injured with a muscle pull? A tear? Knee or ankle sprain?  Immediately first aid RICE treatment can prevent further complications, relieve your pain and decrease swelling. RICE is a simple first aid method that can be used when smaller injuries occurs by everyone, everywhere and every time. R: Rest Whatever is causing your pain or soreness do not continue. It’s important to give the injured area time to heal and rest as it’s vital to project yourself for further damage. Avoid putting weight on the injured part, get help moving or support yourself to something. I: Ice Applying ice or an other cold thing will reduce both your pain and swelling. Anything can be used, we’ve seen the use of all kinds; ice, icecreams, frozen peas or normal cold packs - no matter what they all help reduce pain for the injured. Apply for 10-20 minutes and repeat up to 3-5 times pr. Day, until the swelling is minimized.  Remember not to apply it directly on the skin, so use a towel or a piece of clothes to protect your skin from frostbites. C: Compression Wrapping the injured or sore area with an elastic bandage…
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