Build up Strength After Car Accident

Over 4000 Car Accidents Take Place in Miami per Month! Yes, you got it right: over 4000 car accidents per month. Are you one of them? and still struggling after your car accident? You are not alone! We at PROS Miami are here to help you and we want to, together with you, make you fit for fight again, so you can enjoy your everyday: strong and happy! Here’s 4 simple ways to increase your inner body strength, improve your posture and every day make your body easily recover if you suffered from a car accident in Miami. Sit properly Relax your shoulders and keep your elbows close to your body. Let the chair support you around lower-middle back and always have your feet flat on the floor. Especially women tend to cross legs unconsciously, so see if you can make this simple sitting a habit. Lift correct Squat down and let your legs do the lifting. Bending hip and knees only, remaining your back straight secures you a correct lift and decreased risk for pains. Strengthen your back every day 5 mins. Pr. day can really make a difference for your inner strength. Even small exercise that doesn't require…

Neck Pain – Too Commom Problem

Have you ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed, literally? That moment when you quickly get up and twist your neck the wrong way, too fast. That neck strain, the kind that hurts to pick up the phone or even check the blind spot in the car, can cripple you for days. Although the latter is a lot harsher, this sharp pain in the neck can cause other, more serious, injuries. Pros Miami knows that your time is valuable, so there are a couple steps you can follow to relieve that neck pain in half the time. Of course, we recommend that you visit one of our doctors when you initially feel the pain, that way they can decide if it is a minor injury, or if it needs further assistance. Neck muscle strains tend to heal themselves in one to two days, but these steps will help soothe the pain. Applying heat to the affected area is a great way to relieve some of the pain associated with neck muscle strains. Some people prefer to use over-the-counter heat wraps over a hot bath towel. Although the latter is conveniently more cost effective, the results will usually…
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