Concussions – More than just a bump on the head

Perhaps no bodily organ is more researched yet still so little understood than the human brain. Capable of processing countless quantities of information per second and responsible for everything from our sense of smell to our ability to reason, much still remains to be uncovered about this mysterious grey mass. Yet one thing is certain - trauma to the brain, or traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious event that warrants immediate medical attention. In our fast-paced modern era, mild TBIs such as concussions are on the rise, affecting everyone from car accident victims to professional athletes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 15% of TBIs are caused by car accidents each year, accounting for 286,000 injuries - disturbingly, the actual number may be higher, as many brain injuries show subtle symptoms that go unreported. When is a bump on the head more than just a bump on the head, and what do you need to know to keep your brain happy (and healthy) for years to come? What's a Concussion? According to the Mayo Clinic, a concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that affects the functioning of your brain. Concussions can occur as the…

Are you prepared? Car Safety Survival Kit

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] How many times have gone to run a quick errand, only wallet and car keys in hand, running to pick up, perhaps, that last ingredient you forgot at the store? If you're like many Americans, you may consider your cell phone your "fail-safe", assured that help is only a phone call away in the case of an unexpected emergency. Yet, this reliance on technology is too often a dangerous practice. Cell phones die, signals fail, and in the case of an emergency on the road - are you prepared? Don't be caught off guard! Check out our top must-haves for your car safety survival kit: 1.) Registration / Insurance In the event of an emergency (or, let's be honest - the event that you're pulled over due to speeding), it's essential that you can account for the legal registration and insurance of your vehicle. Are your documents up to date? Are they organized and easily accessible within your glove compartment? 2.) Fire Extinguisher Sadly, the most recent research suggests that 445 U.S. deaths per year are caused by accident-related vehicular fires. Protect yourself and your passengers by stowing a fire extinguisher in an easy to reach location within your…

Are you guilty of these Common Driving Mistakes?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Are you guilty of these common driving mistakes? According to the National Safety Council, a staggering 10 million car accidents occur in the United States each year, resulting in 3,000 fatalities per day. Soberingly, approximately 200,000 of these accidents occur in Florida alone. Unquestionably, if you're like most Americans, stepping behind the wheel is the most dangerous thing you do each day. The cause? We're all familiar with the statistics - with close to 3 out of 10 car accidents occurring due to driving under the influence, most individuals are well aware of the very real dangers of drinking and driving. In South Florida, where annual rainfall averages 54 inches (superseding the national average by 14 inches), weather-related accidents are prolific. Yet what are the less commonly talked about dangerous / common driving mistakes? Which potentially fatal errors are you overlooking in deference to the usual suspects? 1.) Not Using your Turn Signal Are you guilty of this too-common offense? "They're far enough behind me", you might think - "I'm in control." Unfortunately, it's all too easy to fall victim to what amounts to little more than a bit of driver's seat bravado. Unless you're on a desolate highway,…

A Dangerous Game – The Deadly Effects of Texting While Driving

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]How many seconds does it take to change a life? In the digital era, 8 out of 10 people find themselves bound to some form of technological communication for all but a few hours of the day. From wherever you're reading right now, take a moment and pause. Glance up. What do you see? If you're in a public space, chances are most people around you are either actively engaged with their devices, or have them within arm's reach. Such instantaneous connectivity to boundless information means that the world is, literally, at our fingertips. But at what cost? In sobering statistics, the National Safety Council reports that cell phone usage while driving (calls and texts included) leads to 1.6 million crashes each year, causing nearly 330,000 injuries. Let's put that in perspective. 1 out of 4 car accidents in the U.S. are caused by texting and driving! Chillingly, at least 9 lives are lost each day due to this now epidemic form of distracted driving. According to the Huffington Post, on June 8th, 2015, a report was released that demonstrated that a Tennessee bus crash that left two young children and one adult dead was the result of the bus…

Benefits of Massage Therapy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Benefits of massage therapy - Stop and think a moment: About how many hours a day do you spend at your at your desk, cubicle, or in your home office? According to the most recent study by Ergotron, a global manufacturer of office furniture such as sit-stand desks, 86% of Americans retain almost entirely sedentary lifestyles, sitting for a whopping 13 hours a day. With the American job market skewing ever further towards work within the digital realm, it seems more than likely that countless young Americans will spend more time in their seats than on their feet. Among other conditions, a predominantly sedentary lifestyle may contribute to conditions as varied and serious as Diabetes Obesity Heart disease Lipid Disorders Colon Cancer Yet what happens when you add in the duress of a traumatic car accident? The already existent pressure upon the ligaments, muscles, and tendons increases tenfold, necessitating the release of the excess tension that stems from inflammation in the body. The solution? According to a research study published in Science Translational Magazine, whether recovering from a car accident or addressing the derogatory effects of a body frozen in motion, massage therapy can be used to relieve tension and…

Stretch It Out – Flexibility and Optimal Health

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Flexibility is a hot topic, as anyone who's ever tried to contort themselves into downward dog, child's pose, or "happy baby" can attest. In the United States alone, 8.7% of the adult population attended yoga classes last year, an increase of 30% in the past four years. Seeking increased overall fitness, athletic endurance, or inner peace, these afternoon and weekend warriors are joining a rapidly expanding population of Americans dedicated to optimal health. With the population of baby boomers growing an unprecedented 73% by 2020, the demand for both increased quality of life and longevity of years increases by the day. For many, curling one's toes over the eyes is a distant memory of childhood or infancy. (Babies, in fact, possess extraordinarily flexibility - with about 270 bones at birth, only 206 of these remain to form the adult skeleton!) Yet, the profound positive implications of greater flexibility span both time and culture. The Okinawan population of Japan, for example, encompasses a global "blue zone", supporting a higher percentage of healthy and active elders (ages 80+) than anywhere else in the world. One of the central tenets to blue zone inhabitants is an active lifestyle that promotes flexibility and complete…

X-Ray, MRI, and CT Scan – A Primer!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The days following a car accident are traumatic enough - litigation, insurance, and emotional distress may be part of an already difficult time. Add in an injury, and an already trying period may become one of the most challenging experiences of one's life. Post accident, accurate and expedient injury identification is critical, greatly influencing prognosis and recovery time. Yet, faced with a deluge of information, new faces, and recommendations, the unfamiliar jargon of healthcare professionals may begin to seem like the incomprehensible words of Charlie Brown's schoolteacher - indecipherable mumbo jumbo. Preparing for an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan? Take a quick glance at our handy guide, and put your fears to rest!   X-Ray Familiar to anyone who's ever suffered a childhood broken bone, x-rays are the least invasive and often first line of assessment when fractures or broken bones are suspected, a quick and completely painless test that uses radiation to provide professionals with a view of the internal structures of the body. MRI In contrast to x-ray technology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) testing employs magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images. This technology engenders very detailed images that can detect even minuscule changes to the…

Whiplash: A Pain in the Neck

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As anyone who has ever held a newborn baby knows, the human neck is a fragile appendage. What babies lack in physical power they make up for in intellectual prowess - born with highly developed brains, the weight of the head far outweighs the initially flimsy capabilities of the neck. Whiplash, Weeks into life, in fact, the neck of an infant must remain supported in order to avoid injury. Thankfully, human adults are able to walk around without supportive assistance, resting assured that their necks are capable of supporting their (in comparison with the the rest of the animal kingdom) enormous brains. However, throughout life, the neck remains a delicate entity, vulnerable to sprains, strains and fractures from a multitude of dangers. The most perilous of them all? Your family vehicle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that each year, over 1 million cases of whiplash are reported. (Many experts, however, believe that this may be a gross underestimate of incidents, suggesting a more likely 3 million cases.) What is Whiplash? First coined in conjunction with the widespread advent of motor vehicles in 1928, whiplash (so named in deference to the cracking of a whip) is an injury that…

PTSD: The body remembers

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Fourth of July - the celebration of our nation's independence and, for many a time of revelry. If you're like many Americans, at the beginning of July you were engulfed in the festivities - parades, cookouts, and fireworks - an abundance of fireworks! According to the American Pyrotechnics Association, in fact, on July 4th, 2016 alone Americans detonated more than 285 million pounds of fireworks! The rockets red glare, indeed. But for our nation's veterans, the celebratory screech, squeal, and explosion of seemingly innocent fire and light may be anything but innocuous - for the 5.2 million Americans who experience PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) during the course of a given year, the distant echo of a neighbor's target practice, the backfire of a car, or the tell-tale rat-a-tat-tat of an annual fireworks display may be cause for terror. As defined by the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), PTSD entails the development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor wherein there is perceived or actual threat of serious injury or death, the witnessing thereof, or the exposure to the threat of such injury to a close associate or family member.   Fight or Flight…

Total Healing: What’s the Secret Ingredient to Lasting Rehabilitation?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The minutes, hours, and days after a traumatic car crash or accident can be a frightening, confusing, and uncertain time - navigating the legal, emotional, and physical effects of a sudden and debilitating injury can be all but overwhelming. With good reason, most individuals spare no expense in time, energy, and financial expense when researching rehabilitative care. Does my rehabilitative center offer the best in medical and post-injury care? Are the specialists leaders in their field? Are the services offered the latest the medical and scientific fields have to offer? All valid questions! Yet, when we examine healing, it's important not to overlook one crucial yet less often discussed element of the rehabilitative process - the unquantifiable yet essential "bedside manner" of the healthcare team. We've all been there. Referred to a great doctor or healthcare team by a friend or colleague, we're assured that we'll be receiving top-of-the-line care, and are well on our way to healing. Yet, to our surprise, the healthcare professional is brusque, impersonal, and seems more concerned with his or her next appointment than our welfare. And our concern is with good reason! In recent years research on integrative healthcare - or healthcare with an…
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