[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The days following a car accident are traumatic enough – litigation, insurance, and emotional distress may be part of an already difficult time. Add in an injury, and an already trying period may become one of the most challenging experiences of one’s life.

Post accident, accurate and expedient injury identification is critical, greatly influencing prognosis and recovery time. Yet, faced with a deluge of information, new faces, and recommendations, the unfamiliar jargon of healthcare professionals may begin to seem like the incomprehensible words of Charlie Brown’s schoolteacher – indecipherable mumbo jumbo.

Preparing for an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan? Take a quick glance at our handy guide, and put your fears to rest!



Familiar to anyone who’s ever suffered a childhood broken bone, x-rays are the least invasive and often first line of assessment when fractures or broken bones are suspected, a quick and completely painless test that uses radiation to provide professionals with a view of the internal structures of the body.


In contrast to x-ray technology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) testing employs magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images. This technology engenders very detailed images that can detect even minuscule changes to the structures within the body, providing a very useful assessment tool for healthcare professionals.The bane of anyone suffering from claustrophobia, MRIs may be the least pleasant thought for those who would balk at caving or similar adventures in confined spaces. Fear not – in contrast to older technologies, most modern MRI centers offer “open” MRIs – two-sided structures that offer an infinitely less constricting examination!

CT Scan:

A computed tomography (CT) scan takes the rudimentary x-ray one step further – utilizing a series of x-ray images taken at different angles, this test offers healthcare professionals an in-depth and multifaceted view of the internal structures of the body – examining bones, soft tissues, and blood vessels for signs of abnormality. Particularly in instances where traumatic injury is suspected (such as a car accident), a CT scan may be employed to detect internal traumatic injury otherwise invisible to the naked eye.

The time following your accident is when – more than ever – you need competent, caring professionals on your side. Armed with years of experience and training, the elite team at PROS Miami will guide you every step of the way – we’ve been down this road before![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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