Can you Say “Ouch?” Chiropractic Care and the Alleviation of Chronic Pain
According to the Institute of Medicine, more than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Are you one of them? At a cost of around $600 billion a year in both lost productivity and medical treatments, unresolved pain has become an epidemic, spurring a rapid growth in quick-fix and often unreliable pain treatment centers around the country. In fact, a study by the Institute of Medicine concluded that chronic pain is not optimally managed in the U.S.! Rather, its treatment will require a broad overhaul of how both the public and policy makers view the condition. "We see that for many patients chronic pain becomes a disease in its own right," Institute of Medicine committee chair Phillip Pizzo, MD, of Stanford University School of Medicine, has remarked. "We need to address this in a more comprehensive and interdisciplinary way and include prevention as a very important goal." But what's the solution? The truth is that the modern way of life is, for most of us, simply not conducive to optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. And it's our bodies that pay the price! Add in a traumatic injury and, without intervention, acute pain may become chronic. An Ounce…