4 Ways Bad Posture Affects Your Daily Life

Know about the bad postures affects your daily life, Did you know that a slight slouch in your posture can lead to severe back pain that can last for years? No, that’s not an exaggeration. We all know that a proper posture is important. But, do we really know – how important? Here’s an interesting fact. A bad posture can cause severe physical problems all across the body. That’s common knowledge. But, what most people do not know is that a bad posture can have a significant negative impact on a person’s mental health. Yet, a large number of people are either completely ignorant about its importance or choose to ignore it willingly, at their own peril. Here are some ways in which a bad posture can disrupt your daily life. Chronic Back and Neck Pain Harboring a bad posture for years can lead to serious consequences. It can cause major injuries to the vertebrae and its discs in the neck and the lower back region. Once the damage is done, these areas develop chronic pain, even if the injuries are treated. It often takes years of regular chiropractic treatment to get rid of the pain caused by a bad…

Danger on the road – Top causes of car accidents

For many, summer brings the advent of fun in the sun, a respite from work, and a time for adventure with friends and family. But adventure means travel, and travel means, more than likely, more time in your family vehicle. Perhaps surprising, driving from point A to point B is inarguably the most dangerous thing you do each day - despite significant improvements in car safety, the National Safety Council reported that 2015 saw the largest rise in motor vehicle deaths in the last fifty years, the state of Florida ranking third in national mortality. At PROS Miami, we're here to address your rehabilitative needs after your accident. Our greatest wish? Protect yourself and your loved ones when you're behind the wheel, and prevent those accidents before they happen! Stay safe on the road, and familiarize yourself today with these three top causes of car accidents. Distracted / Reckless Driving Tell the truth - do you text while driving? Though many of us are guilty of this seemingly innocent offense, the true burden of that text is far greater than you may realize. Shockingly, The National Safety Council reports that texting while driving leads to a staggering 1.6 million crashes…

Can you Say “Ouch?” Chiropractic Care and the Alleviation of Chronic Pain

According to the Institute of Medicine, more than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Are you one of them?   At a cost of around $600 billion a year in both lost productivity and medical treatments, unresolved pain has become an epidemic, spurring a rapid growth in quick-fix and often unreliable pain treatment centers around the country. In fact, a study by the Institute of Medicine concluded that chronic pain is not optimally managed in the U.S.! Rather, its treatment will require a broad overhaul of how both the public and policy makers view the condition. "We see that for many patients chronic pain becomes a disease in its own right," Institute of Medicine committee chair Phillip Pizzo, MD, of Stanford University School of Medicine, has remarked. "We need to address this in a more comprehensive and interdisciplinary way and include prevention as a very important goal." But what's the solution? The truth is that the modern way of life is, for most of us, simply not conducive to optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. And it's our bodies that pay the price! Add in a traumatic injury and, without intervention, acute pain may become chronic.   An Ounce…

A Powerful Current: Hit “Reset” with EMS!

As popular legend would tell, in 1759 a burgeoning scientist and politician by the name of one Benjamin Franklin experienced, while flying a kite during a thunderstorm, an electrifying jolt that would revolutionize the world. Though the advent of electricity is undoubtedly a tad more complex than a man flying his kite, the popular anecdote serves to illuminate (pun intended) the profound implications of one of modern history's most impactful discoveries: electricity. Whether flipping on a light switch, revving up your car, or charging your brand new hoverboard, the industrial world is energized by the indelible effects of this incomparable resource. And now, the same current that courses through a generator to restore power to your home during an outage may also restore, renew, and "restart" the energy flow in your body! What is EMS? Though modern medicine has long utilized electricity to assist in medical interventions, only recently has the utilization of the natural electrical current running through the body become the intervention in and of itself. Electrical muscle stimulation (or EMS) is the instigation of muscle contractions via the imposition of an electrical current. By placing adhesive pads on the skin which are connected to electrodes, PROS Miami…

Torn ACL – What you Need to Know

If you're an athlete or sports fan - be it of football, basketball, baseball, or tennis - chances are you've heard the word "ACL" tossed around a time or two, and with good reason. According to the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine, about 150,000 ACL injuries occur each year, accounting for more than $500,000,000 in annual U.S. healthcare costs. With acronyms abounding, medical jargon can be difficult to keep straight! So what is the ACL, exactly, and what should you do in the case of injury? What is the ACL? ACL stands for the anterior cruciate ligament, one of the major and primary ligaments in the knee. Under stress (particularly during athletic activity or trauma), the ACL is particularly susceptible to tearing. Any abrupt stop, twist, or impact puts pressure on this delicate ligament, and can lead to injury. For this reason, ACL injuries most commonly occur in sports that require sudden stops, such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, and tennis. Alternately, the ACL may also be injured during a traumatic event, such as a car accident. Chances are, if you've experienced this too-common injury, you know it - the tearing of the ligament often results in a tell-tale…

Yoga and Injury Recovery

The arrival of a new year is a time of hope, of promise, and for many - of resolutions. Hindsight is twenty twenty, as the saying goes, and on January 1st many awoke determined to turn over a new leaf. Injury recovery, this will mean a renewed dedication to a healthy diet and often, the pledge to get more exercise! But what if you've recently suffered an injury? If injured in a car accident or other traumatic event, your options for exercise may be limited. What is Yoga (And is it For Me)? Practiced by everyone from gurus to celebrities to soccer moms, yoga is more than just a trend. In a study entitled "Yoga in America" published by Yoga Journal, 36.7 million Americans were reported to practice yoga in 2016 alone - a huge increase from the 20 million who hit the mats in 2012! The Magic of the Breath Think yoga is only for the young, nimble, and thin? Think again! A 5,000 year-old body of knowledge, yoga is more than just "happy baby", "downward dog", and other contortions. An ancient Hindu practice, "yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj", which means "to unite or integrate." The…


It’s that “festive” time of year when people try putting their New Year’s resolutions to the test. But while many of these declarations are meant to be health-focused, some are actually not good for your health at all. In fact, the most popular resolutions out there can actually end up being hazardous. Here’s a look at some New Year’s resolutions that we stand by, that won’t affect your health negatively! 1. SIT LESS AND MOVE MORE Whether it’s due to having a desk job or simply being inactive, many people sit more than they should. Sitting too much can have negative effects on health. In fact, it may be linked to an increased risk of overall mortality. According to the Mayo Clinic, analysis of 13 studies concluded that “sitting time and activity levels found in those who sat for more than 8 hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking.” Making a resolution to sit less is an easy and attainable resolution that can be tailored to fit your lifestyle. For example, you can make a resolution to go for a 15-minute walk at lunch or…
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