Are you prepared? Car Safety Survival Kit

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] How many times have gone to run a quick errand, only wallet and car keys in hand, running to pick up, perhaps, that last ingredient you forgot at the store? If you're like many Americans, you may consider your cell phone your "fail-safe", assured that help is only a phone call away in the case of an unexpected emergency. Yet, this reliance on technology is too often a dangerous practice. Cell phones die, signals fail, and in the case of an emergency on the road - are you prepared? Don't be caught off guard! Check out our top must-haves for your car safety survival kit: 1.) Registration / Insurance In the event of an emergency (or, let's be honest - the event that you're pulled over due to speeding), it's essential that you can account for the legal registration and insurance of your vehicle. Are your documents up to date? Are they organized and easily accessible within your glove compartment? 2.) Fire Extinguisher Sadly, the most recent research suggests that 445 U.S. deaths per year are caused by accident-related vehicular fires. Protect yourself and your passengers by stowing a fire extinguisher in an easy to reach location within your…

Are you guilty of these Common Driving Mistakes?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Are you guilty of these common driving mistakes? According to the National Safety Council, a staggering 10 million car accidents occur in the United States each year, resulting in 3,000 fatalities per day. Soberingly, approximately 200,000 of these accidents occur in Florida alone. Unquestionably, if you're like most Americans, stepping behind the wheel is the most dangerous thing you do each day. The cause? We're all familiar with the statistics - with close to 3 out of 10 car accidents occurring due to driving under the influence, most individuals are well aware of the very real dangers of drinking and driving. In South Florida, where annual rainfall averages 54 inches (superseding the national average by 14 inches), weather-related accidents are prolific. Yet what are the less commonly talked about dangerous / common driving mistakes? Which potentially fatal errors are you overlooking in deference to the usual suspects? 1.) Not Using your Turn Signal Are you guilty of this too-common offense? "They're far enough behind me", you might think - "I'm in control." Unfortunately, it's all too easy to fall victim to what amounts to little more than a bit of driver's seat bravado. Unless you're on a desolate highway,…
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