How can psychological counseling help road accident victims?
When people experience a traumatic event, such as a car accident and subsequent injury, they may feel anxious for days afterward. They might also develop symptoms like difficulty sleeping, which could be due to emotional trauma rather than physical pain from their injuries. If these continue long enough, it might indicate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This condition can have devastating effects on one's life. In many cases, the victim's loved ones do not understand how debilitating psychological trauma can be. They might think that this emotional pain will eventually go away on its own or with time, but this is not true! When someone experiences a trauma, they may feel isolated and unable to interact with others. These feelings of isolation lead them towards feeling unhappier than before the event occurred, which could be why survivors often report feeling depressed. Psychological trauma is an emotional response to sudden dangers, such as a road accident. These responses can get stuck in mind in a state of "red alert" and stay with people for quite some time. And this often leads those who experience it to have specific triggers that remind them about the event: whether it's music played during said crash…