Overcome Neck Pain to Sleep Well and Live Better
Neck pain is highly prevalent in the United States. A whopping 50-70% of Americans experience neck pain in their lifetime. In fact, at any given time, at least 10% of the Americans are suffering from neckpain. Neck pain can be a symptom of weakened muscles, misaligned joints, or other problems. Neck pain is also one of the top reasons for patients to visit chiropractors because they are known to deliver relief. At Pros Miami, we take neckpain seriously. With years of experience and expertise behind us, we can help you overcome your neckpain, sleep well, and live a better life. Strengthen The neck supports the 11-pound head 24 hours a day. With time, this continuous weight can make the muscles go weak. Chiropractors can help you fight this with the help of strengthening exercises. These exercises include levator scapular stretch, upper trapezius stretch, doorway stretch, and many others. All these stretching and other neck exercises can help your neck become stronger and support the weight. With better support to the neck joint, patients feel relief from pain. Only a professional can help identify the issue and offer an actionable solution. Neck exercises, if done wrong, can exacerbate the pain and…