Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

We at PROS Miami make sure, whoever visits us is safe. We provide guidance and support that an individual needs against COVID-19 so that you can focus on the well-being of everyone.

We at PROS Miami assure you that we will do our utmost to continue to serve our patients and support our community. But it is not just us, but we also want you to take care of the rules and regulations that the government regulates for the safety of everyone. This is the most important thing right now.

How can you protect yourself?

We all know COVID-19 is still spreading but we can control it. Yes, by taking simple precautions such as wearing a mask, physically distancing yourself, well ventilating the premises, cleaning your hands, avoiding crowds, and coughing up your elbow or tissue.

We at PROS Miami for our Patients

The city of Miami Beach extended its state of emergency until July 14, 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will ensure that the city continues to be eligible for COVID costs.

The city of Miami Beach extended its state of emergency until July 14, 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will ensure that the city continues to be eligible for COVID costs.

If you are worried about COVID-19, don’t. We ensure safety so we follow precautionary measures:
Temperature of patients and staff taken daily.
Masks made compulsory for all staff and patients.
Spray Bottle
Sanitizing the entire clinic time-to-time.
Change of gloves after treating a patient.
Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer available for everyone.
Hand Wash
Staff and doctors wash hands with hand wash/soap frequently.
Call Center
Convenient rescheduling due to sickness.

COVID-19 Update

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